CCA and our wonderful Naglee Park neighborhood exist as we know them because of the hard work of neighborhood volunteers. Your talents and skills are needed to help our community thrive and grow.
Consider volunteering for one or more CCA Committees that benefit our community, or if you've got an idea of how to benefit the community and what to start a new committee, contact president@nagleepark.org.
CCA Committees
- Bark in the Park
Email Volunteer@BarkSanJose.org or see Bark in the Park for more information
- Beautification
Email beautification@nagleepark.org or see Beautification to learn about projects that need you
- CCA Board of Directors
See CCA Board to learn more about how you can contribute
- Fourth of July
Email ccafourth@nagleepark.org or see Fourth of July for a recap of our last event
- Holiday Social
Email info@nagleepark.org
- Historic Inventory
Email aprilhalb@gmail.com or see Historic Inventory to learn how you can help
- Membership
The membership committee maintains the membership database. For more information or to volunteer, email membership@nagleepark.org
- Open Studios
Email npos@nagleepark.org or learn more at Naglee Park Open Studios
- Ready Naglee Park
Email ready@nagleepark.org or learn more at Ready Naglee Park.
- Strong Neighborhoods
Email vp@nagleepark.org
- Website
Email webmaster@nagleepark.org or learn more at Naglee Park Website